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The following pages and posts are tagged with

Analytics services Page This page detials about the components used in the analytics service
Application services Page This page detials about the components used in the application service
Build instructions Page Instructions to build opensource SCM services
Client applications Page This page detials about the Client applications used in SCM product
SCM local setup for developers Page This page provides the guide for setting up the development environment for developers
Logistimo forums Page This page provides the links to the Logistimo forums.
Infrastructure services Page This page detials about the components used in the infrastructue service
Setup SCM using Docker Compose (single server) Page Installation of Logistimo SCM using docker compose is usually less complex than Kubernetes installation. However, you may run into permissions issues that yo...
Setup SCM using Kubernetes Helm (standalone or multi server) Page Installation of Logistimo SCM using Helm requires latest kubernetes cluster. This type of installation is mostly recommende for high availability. Use this f...
Logistimo License Model Page This page detials about the license model used for logistimo
Location configuration Page Location configuration for logistimo applications
Monitoring your production environment Page This page provides options to monitor your applications at runtime
Setup SCM on production environment (multi server) Page This page provides the instructions to deploy the SCM application on production environment for high availability. Running services for production requires h...
Sample post Post This is some summary frontmatter for my sample post.