Installation of Logistimo SCM using docker compose is usually less complex than Kubernetes installation. However, you may run into permissions issues that you must overcome. Use this for quick prototyping and testing only.
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Setup Instructions

Copy the contents from this folder to docker-compose folder to /etc directory

Go to /etc/docker-compose/nginx/nginx.conf file and change the to the respective domain/hostname on multiple place in the file.

Update the proxy_pass property to point to correct service name and port

proxy_pass http://mapi:3000; - mobile api service

proxy_pass http://ams:8081; - asset monitoring service

proxy_pass http://web:8080; - logistimo service

proxy_pass http://hadoop:14000/webhdfs/v1; - hadoop service

Go to /etc/docker-compose directory

Change the domain name in docker-compose.yml file for the following variable


Add following variable after - ORIGINS=* in docker-compose.yml file


Install Logistimo

RUN the following command to download and install all the services

$ cd /etc/docker-compose/single-server

$ docker-compose up -d

This installation will take few minutes. You can check the status of the pods using following cammand

$ docker ps -a

Add the below entry in /etc/hosts file to access the webapp localhost

If you use the remote kubernetes cluster, you should get the public IP or Loadbalance IP of the cluster and replace the localhost with the respective IP in the /etc/hosts file.

Remove Logistimo

To remove all the services installed, please follow the below command

$ docker stop <Contain ID>  [ Get the container ID by using <b>docker ps -a</b> command ]

$ docker rm -f <Contain ID>

$ docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q) [ To remove all containers ]